A recent study conducted by Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health has found, among other things, that younger (age 18-44) gay, lesbian and bisexual men and women experience fewer mental disorders and are less likely to have attempted suicide than their counterparts in the 45-59 age group.  As Dr. Ilan Meyer, Associate Professor of Clinical Sociomedical Sciences and principal investigator of the study notes,

The finding regarding younger cohorts of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals is consistent with social stress theories that predicted that the liberalization of social attitudes toward homosexuality over the past few decades can lead to a decline in stress and related mental disorders and suicide among lesbians, gay men, and bisexual individuals.

While no single study is likely to present the final world on any given topic, this latest survey appears to hammer yet another nail in the coffin of the myth (common in evangelical and ex-gay circles) that same-sex attractions are, in and of themselves, a major contributor to mental illness even among openly gay individuals.

Hat tip: Andrew Sullivan

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