Ex-gay Stephen Bennett, now working as a realtor, no longer has a website for “Stephen Bennett Ministries.” Links that once led to sites associated with him, such as www.sbministries.org, now lead to dead ends. The cache of SBministries.org has a link that leads to an iGroops page called “The Parents Group,” but no mention of Bennett is made on that page. Bennett used to have an iGroops page but that too seems to be down – here is a screenshot of the cached link.

Over the past few months Bennett has been very actively begging for donations, and attempting to stave off musings of the possibility that he was leaving his ministry:

Let’s Put An End To “Rumours”…
Several homosexual activists are claiming “victory!” that “Stephen Bennett is no longer in ministry” and that “SBM has finally closed!!”WRONG. DEAD WRONG.

Friends, Stephen Bennett IS NOT out of ministry — nor am I going ANYWHERE. SBM is experiencing one of the most financially difficult times we have ever had — and these ministry doors have not closed yet. I DO NEED YOUR HELP TO PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING.. SEE BELOW.

However, NO — Stephen Bennett isn’t going ANYWHERE!!

For now, however, Stephen Bennett Ministries has no online presence.

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