Maybe it’s because I still live in San Diego/Sodom that I care about all things James Hartline — my city’s perennial ex-gay activist. Here it’s two months past San Diego Pride, yet he’s still trying to make news out of it.

His latest James Hartline Report piece on San Diego Pride is dated September 28th, and is entitled “Christian Activist Tells San Diego Board Of Education, ‘I’m Going To Be As Tenacious As A Pit Bull'”.

Pam of Pam’s House Blend has a recent history of Hartline’s comments about San Diego Pride posted, so I won’t reinvent the wheel by posting a similar list. But needless to say, he keeps talking about San Diego Pride, and he just promised he won’t stop talking about it.

Here’s an excerpt from his most recent SD Pride entry:

Planting his feet firmly before the board, Hartline declared, “I am going to be as tenacious as a pit bull until the matter I am speaking on today is resolved to my satisfaction.” The well known activist also warned, “This is just my preemptive speech. I will be back to speak further on the matter of the San Diego Cooperative Charter School marching young six, seven and eight year old children in this filthy parade.” The parade was replete with xxx pornographers, male strippers and male escort services. This is the environment that the staff from the San Diego Cooperative Charter School marched a number of small children into, all under the school’s official banner.

Ummmm… yeah. From the city of Sodom, Hartline actually wrote about himself: “Planting his feet firmly before the board, Hartline declared, ‘I am going to be as tenacious as a pit bull until the matter I am speaking on today is resolved to my satisfaction’….” So does Hartline realize he’s writing about himself in third person with bizarrely dramatic abandon? I guess not.

So, *ahem,* let me conclude by saying “Her sizable butt firmly planted in her padded computer chair’s awesome perch, Autumn Sandeen tenaciously wrote ‘With the certainty of foreordained conclusions, I shall soon be back to yet at another time and cyberplace to speak about ex-gay issues until they all are resolved to my complete and utter satisfaction.'” 😛

Autumn postscript: I fixed the broken link to the referenced article in the second paragraph. *sigh* ‘We’ struggle for perfection, and don’t always make it.

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