In the Jan. 23 issue of Spotlights, Exodus executive director Alan Chambers attempts to explain why Exodus lobbies ex-gays and Christians to discriminate — and to promote government-mandated discrimination — against gay couples:

Had same-sex marriage been legal in 1990 I am almost certain that I would have tested that option. I met men who I wanted to “marry”. Yet, as I look back as a mature adult, I realize that I wasn’t searching for a man as much as I was searching for an answer, a drug if you will, to numb the pain and make me feel better about who I was. The law kept me from making one, if not many, huge mistakes. And while honoring and preserving the sanctity of heterosexual marriage is the bedrock of my opposition to redefining marriage to suit a few, I believe a positive bi-product of keeping same-sex marriage illegal is that it will save tens of thousands of hurting young people like me from the biggest mistakes of their life: looking to man to satisfy what only God can.

If you are a former homosexual, I encourage you to take a stand for today’s gay youth by opposing same-sex marriage; they may not thank you today, but protecting them now provides them with a better chance at them being around to thank you later.

The conclusion is a bit silly:

As former homosexuals we have many opportunities to exercise our civil liberties, speak into the media and entertainment industries and call the Church to a redemptive response.

Just so long as homosexuals, tolerant heterosexuals, and Christians and people of faith outside Chambers’ ideological sandbox are denied their civil liberties, of course.

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